Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Three Best Exercises to Lose Weight Effectively and Enjoyably

There are some ways to move your whole body that are great for dropping pounds, as well as being fun. Exercise being enjoyable is important, since it helps make the time fly and makes the whole routine less of a chore and more of a fun hobby. If you try some of these fun suggestions out, you might find that getting to your ideal size isn’t as hard as you thought.

1 – Dancing! This recommendation comes with a big caveat – not just any dancing will do. You’re obviously not going to get much of a workout from a slow waltz or tango. To truly lose weight while dancing, you need to engage in fast dances over reasonable durations. While you may be tired and sweaty by the end, don’t worry, everyone else on the club floor is no better off. If this sort of thing appeals to you, there are many venues for it, especially in urban areas. If you’re more of a private person, you can still try out dancing as exercise by enjoying Dance Dance Revolution and similar dance-based video games in your home.

2 – Swimming! If you’ve ever watched the Olympics, you’re fully aware of how great an accomplished swimmer looks. It’s really not so hard to achieve that kind of sculpted body, though. Swimming makes it natural to exercise every major muscle in your body, unlike many other exercises that are limited to specific parts. It’s also an excellent way to cool off during a hot summer, and has many variations that allow you to personalize your participation to suit you.

3 – Racquetball or tennis! It’s easy to let time fly by when you’re running from one end of the court to the other trying to catch that speeding ball. These activities keep you in steady motion, and improve coordination and aiming as well as your general stamina and strength. They’re cheap to get started at, too – a decent cheap racquet and a ball can be bought for twenty or thirty dollars total. They’re also sports you can enjoy alone, or with other people, whichever you prefer.

Click Here To Watch Free Video That Reveal 1 Weird Trick To Lose Weight Fast

How This List Of Fat Burning Foods Will Boost Your Metabolism

What foods work great for fast fat burning?

We all understand that we need to eat our fruits and veggies because they have he highest vitamin and mineral content of any other food.

Did you know that these are the best foods for weight loss also?

Raw fruits and veggies carry a much larger content of vitamins and minerals than your cooked foods.

Heat during the cooking process damages the vitamin and mineral content and kills natural enzymes.

Vitamins and minerals give you the building blocks for your cells to stay healthy, and for your hormones to work properly which is why they are classified as foods that help to burn fat fast.

With the bad press that multi-vitamins have gotten recently, we should explore all possible areas for getting our vitamin and mineral requirements met naturally.

I’ve put together a list for you of some of the best raw foods with lots of vitamins and minerals to make your body healthy, your age decrease and your belly, butt and thighs to slim down.

When used in addition to a moderate amount of healthy organic grassfed meats, and some raw dairy products, it is possible to get our nutrients from diet. It is also important to note that some foods truly are ‘super-foods’ like green leafy vegetables or broccoli. That’s because they provide a significant amount of more than one nutrient per serving.

Here is your list broken down into vitamin/ mineral content:

Vitamin A
Any green leafy vegetables including Spinach
Yellow vegetables like Squash
Dried Apricots

Vitamin B group
Green leafy vegetables
Seeds and nuts.

Vitamin C
Green leafy vegetables
All berries

Vitamin E
Nuts and seeds

Vitamin K
Green leafy vegetables

Green Leary vegetables
Dried apricots
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

Tahini/sesame seeds
Green leafy vegetables

Sesame seeds/tahini


For best results, eat 6-9 servings of these fast fat burning foods to your diet today.

Not only will you look younger, but you might be able to squeeze into those skinny jeans again. 

Click Here To Watch Free Video That Reveals An Unusual Tips To Quickly Get A Lose Weight While Still Enjoying All The Foods You Love!

Fast Weight Loss Formula For Women

Women have fatty tissue concerns that is unique to them. Many women pursue cardiovascular routines, fat loss class, and other exercises, but don’t get much for their efforts in the way of addressing those tough spots. I’ve had a lot of women from moms to business people who make a lot of effort, but they still weigh the same and the still can’t hardly fit in their clothes. I recall a conversation I had once with one of my best clients: I was telling her about the ways to get rid of that tough fat that women want to lose. 

She was amazed because all the magazines keep telling her to do more cardiovascular work and to reduce fat intake. She thought she knew it all already. Of course I prefaced my talk by reminding her that relying on cardio to take care of the stomach and thigh problem was never going to work. 

Are you ready to get to the bottom of the female fat problem? Here we go. 

Secret-1: Exercise with intervals, not cardiovascular. 

There are numerous studies that demonstrate that intervals get the most results, especially when you consider the amount of time you spend. 

These burst exercises got her arms and things looking better in just a few weeks. 

Secret-2: Target fat by improving the nutritional content of the food you eat. 

Get rid of all that sugar and carbohydrates that come from Starbucks and other sources.
And, no, running is no excuse for eating more foods that are making you fat. 

Secret-3: Exercise with body mass to shape your body and increase your metabolic rate. 

Exercising with lightweight dumbbells aren’t going to do very much, but once you leverage the weight of your body, you’ll find a significant improvement to your body. 

Secret-4: Ditch crunches and do whole body exercises to deal with tummy fat.

Click Here To Watch Free Video That Reveals An Unusual Tips To Quickly Get A Flatter Belly While Still Enjoying All The Foods You Love! 

My Secret Transformational Fat Loss Tips

Five days out of seven you get out of bed and go do your exercise routine. This is really nice, but if this is all you are doing, you are limiting your fat loss success. Here’s where moderate success and dramatic success are contrasted. The difference is that you need to have nutritious eating habits. 

No matter how much you are exercising, there’s only a certain amount of progress you can make toward fat loss if you’re not eating right. It’s really hard to out-exercise a terrible eating pattern. 

You’ll get a lot more results from your workouts if you keep your diet in check too. Here, I am going to tell you a few simple strategies that will get you eating better and accelerate your fat loss efforts. 

1. Stop absent minded eating. 

Regardless of your eating plan, the goal should always be the same: eat fewer calories than you burn in a day. This means that you should think before stuffing more food in your mouth. 

Stop eating as you drive or walk. Don’t eat food unless it’s healthy. Don’t eat as a result of emotional stress. Watch what you eat between meal times. Don’t eat out of duty or habit.

2. Keep a record of what you eat. Some people are really surprised to find out how much they are really eating once they start a food journal.

The list also reveals the kind of food you are eating and what is being left out. What I suggest is that you take about two weeks to record your entire caloric intake. It’s pretty intense doing this, but the results will pay off.

3. Plan ahead. If you get a menu planned you won’t get caught needing something fast and easy to eat. Determining what you are going to eat will help you stay on your healthy program on the road and at the grocery store. Planning ahead will also help keep you from resorting to frozen meals or fast food when you’re in a hurry. You’ll see that you are looking better faster by paying attention to nutrition while working out. 

Click Here To Watch Free Video That Reveals An Unusual Tips To Quickly Get A Flatter Belly While Still Enjoying All The Foods You Love!

3 Simple Tips To Burn Fat Now

fat loss secrets
I’ll be the last one to be a low carbohydrate fanatic, but there is something I know that does good things for your fat-loss program. You’ll have to limit your intake of natural grains, but I think you’ll find this secret method to be a key to renewed progress toward your goals. I started this towards the end of the year when I changed my diet around and focused more on organically raised fruits than I did on naturally produced grain. This helped me get my body to my near personal record for body composition. I’m recommending this to you to day because it works and I know that you want to get your body lean so you can look good and feel good about yourself too. This is a great time to get started because it’s not too late to improve your body in time for the summer. 

For the progress you’re going to get started with a few simple adjustments that will seem pretty easy. 

Number One: Exchange the toasted bread you eat in the morning for apples. 

Number Two: Skip out on rice-based foods and sides and replace it with broccoli’s power for your noon meal. 

Number Three: If you’re used to a bowl of cereals in the evening, trade that for oranges and plain, natural nuts instead. 

What do you think about this strategy? Without much effort you can accelerate your fat loss. 

Let me tell you about a report that showed that a woman with a reduced fat nutrition plan and high fruit and veggie content was proven to reduce body fat more than those on a regular reduced-fat program. In a year’s time the former group saw a weight reduction far in excess of the latter group. 

The key here is to reduce calories with fruits and vegetables while minimizing fat. 

fat loss video